
United my Trails

Empowered by nature

Are you ready to rewrite your story?
Join the Brat Adventure Club today, join the newsletter and don't miss out on any updates! No hiking shoes required (yet).
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Our mission

Experience adventures

Bringing people together through sport and experiencing adventures together.

All bodies & genders welcome

Bringing people together through sport and experiencing adventures together.

Fit for adventure

Start your own (Solo-) adventures well prepared: Mountain Brat supports you with training & planning.

Upcoming Adventures

Join us for Mountain Brat Camps, Workshops and Workations.
See all adventures

International Trailrunning & Hiking camp

July 6th - 13th 2025, Bourge St- Pierre, Switzerland
Join us for an unforgettable hiking & trailrunning week in the Valais Alps during the oldest Swiss trail running event “Trail Verbier St. Bernard”.
Get your spot
female hikers in the swiss alps

International Trailrunning & Hiking camp

August 22nd - 31st 2025, Liddes, Switzerland
Join us for an unforgettable hiking & trail unning week in the Valais Alps during the biggest trailrunning event of the world, the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB).
Get your spot
Sunset in the Swiss Alps

Hut to Hut hike: Connect with yourself

September 2025, Liddes, Switzerland
Ready to leave your laptops down in the valley and your smartphones in flight mode? On a hut-to-hut hike in the Swiss Alps you will not only go offline for a few days but also really connect with yourself. Registrations opening soon.
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Training & Coaching

You want to get ready & fit for your own adventures? Learn more about Mountain Brat training and coaching approaches:

Nomad Brat

Want to combine exploring, traveling and working?
Digital Nomad, Corporate Nomad, Work & Travel, Volunteering - there are soo many options how to explore the world. I help you find the perfect fit for your and your life, no matter your age or travel experience.
Start traveling

(Solo) Adventure Travel Coaching

Want to add more wild into your life?
Whether it's climbing high mountains, thru-hiking or packrafting - I will help you find your next (solo) adventure and help you prepare for it.
Get wild

Get fit for your adventure

Get strong & confident with Mountain Brat
You want to get fit for your thru-hike, an ultrarun or simply stay active? Mountain Brat helps you to become the oldest Brat on the trails and not the youngest in the retirement home.
Get fit


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